released August 4, 2009
thankyou to everyone for being patient, to lynne earls and jez colin for consistency and coming through, and all the amazing players who lent their talents to this record. I deeply appreciate all your contributions. to my sweet Al and amazing milly, without whom I would just be jangling in the wind.

My new CD, Songs from the Bardo… is a collection of songs mostly written and recorded over the last five years. With help of my now good friend Lynne Earls (pro tools queen), Jez Colin and some of the same great musicians, Luis Conte, Matt Chamberlain plus a bunch of amazing Brazilians in particular Andre de Santana, on bass. The songs range from completely acoustic to studio produced but all seem to sit in the strongest belief I hold true, that love is not a cliché but actually the most radical and potent untapped solution, and should be applied now in all directions before we no longer have a choice.

In this sphere many of the songs endeavor to reunite the micro with the macro, the intimate with the big picture, hope with the inconsolable (where none are afraid) coping mechanisms when love hits schisms (bardo) mantras to stave off frustration during the bush era (lay low) honest straight up political and social commentary (natural law and pointless tackles vision and pinking up) dropping first world facade in favour of the elemental (simplify) and unapologetic unadulteratedly abandoned love songs (city between and mighty love, celery bay)